Let us talk about Hamburg
Three years since the concert in Hamburg today. Hamburg was...haha let's be
honest I have never felt so bad in my life as I did in Hamburg. The camping in Lux
and Oberhausen was starting to take out it's right on me. We looked like shit, we
felt like shit! We arrived the day before, the "camping" was not a camping, cause
no one were allowed to have tents. We slept outside the whole night, freezing our
butts off, they where nowhere to buy food and my cigarettes where out. There were
some moments that nights I just wanted the "screw this shit and go home" haha.
But the concert was awesome, and there were many familiar faces queing on the
concert day. We saw they boys when they arrived to the arena, and Gordon and
their dogs after the show. It was also in Hamburg we got to know their bus a little
closer. After the concert we headed to out hotel to sleep the first night in a bed
and not in a tent for over a week! We sleept so good we oversleep and nearly
missed our flight to Sweden and had to take a taxi for Hamburg to Hannover (!!)
which costed us over 200 euro. Yay, how we love Hamburg sometimes!

honest I have never felt so bad in my life as I did in Hamburg. The camping in Lux
and Oberhausen was starting to take out it's right on me. We looked like shit, we
felt like shit! We arrived the day before, the "camping" was not a camping, cause
no one were allowed to have tents. We slept outside the whole night, freezing our
butts off, they where nowhere to buy food and my cigarettes where out. There were
some moments that nights I just wanted the "screw this shit and go home" haha.
But the concert was awesome, and there were many familiar faces queing on the
concert day. We saw they boys when they arrived to the arena, and Gordon and
their dogs after the show. It was also in Hamburg we got to know their bus a little
closer. After the concert we headed to out hotel to sleep the first night in a bed
and not in a tent for over a week! We sleept so good we oversleep and nearly
missed our flight to Sweden and had to take a taxi for Hamburg to Hannover (!!)
which costed us over 200 euro. Yay, how we love Hamburg sometimes!

How to be a good stalker
READ THIS FIRST - Since I have done a post like this on my former blog
which caused a lot of drama, please read it with a sence of humor and not
with the mind of a forty years old bitter lady. Thanks.
So, here we go - How to be a good stalker
1. Choose a target - If your a newbie, maybe you should start with some local
celeb, and not a big one like...Tokio Hotel.
2. Be prepared - If you are not a patient person, you are screwed. Stalking
requiers a lot of wait outside different kinds of buildning. Bring food and drinks
with you (you wont risk to miss your target just because you got hungry)
Bring you medications (like som calming down pills maybe)
3. Do your homework - Before you start you should feel like you already
knows your target, read trought the whole damn internet if you must.
4. Dont be shy - If you are a shy person, you are screwed again. Stalking
require you to do forbidden things so there is no time for thought about
"what might happen if someone catch me while doing this" just gogogo.
5. Always have you Camera - I guess you have heard the saying, pics or
it did not happend. Yep exactly. It does not matter how good your are at
stalking if you don't get pics (and/or videos) on your target.
6. Rely on others - If you are not alone while stalking, let the others do the main
work and keep yourself in the background. Minimize the risk of getting in trouble.
which caused a lot of drama, please read it with a sence of humor and not
with the mind of a forty years old bitter lady. Thanks.
So, here we go - How to be a good stalker
1. Choose a target - If your a newbie, maybe you should start with some local
celeb, and not a big one like...Tokio Hotel.
2. Be prepared - If you are not a patient person, you are screwed. Stalking
requiers a lot of wait outside different kinds of buildning. Bring food and drinks
with you (you wont risk to miss your target just because you got hungry)
Bring you medications (like som calming down pills maybe)
3. Do your homework - Before you start you should feel like you already
knows your target, read trought the whole damn internet if you must.
4. Dont be shy - If you are a shy person, you are screwed again. Stalking
require you to do forbidden things so there is no time for thought about
"what might happen if someone catch me while doing this" just gogogo.
5. Always have you Camera - I guess you have heard the saying, pics or
it did not happend. Yep exactly. It does not matter how good your are at
stalking if you don't get pics (and/or videos) on your target.
6. Rely on others - If you are not alone while stalking, let the others do the main
work and keep yourself in the background. Minimize the risk of getting in trouble.
The coolest kids in town
I just have to post some videos from when the guys where in Stockholm 2009.
This was when I meet my awesome girls for the first time (Caroline and Sofie)
We were the first ones to know where they was staying, and spent the first evening
when they arrived in the hotel bar (in sweatpants, haha!) I don't really know how
many times we saw them on those two days, quite many. And it is always a special
feeling seeing them in you own country. The videos are filmed by Sofie, and if you
want to check out some more awesome Tokio Hotel videos you should go HERE.
This was when I meet my awesome girls for the first time (Caroline and Sofie)
We were the first ones to know where they was staying, and spent the first evening
when they arrived in the hotel bar (in sweatpants, haha!) I don't really know how
many times we saw them on those two days, quite many. And it is always a special
feeling seeing them in you own country. The videos are filmed by Sofie, and if you
want to check out some more awesome Tokio Hotel videos you should go HERE.
Picture of the day

Sofie, Me and Lisa in Moscow 2011. Last time I saw the boys, gosh.
Five things about Sara Rebecca, ME!
1. When I meet people I only talked with on internet before the reaction I mostly
get is "oh, you where so much nicer than I thought..." Haha, I always wonder if
everyone believes me to be an evil person.
2. I can be quite unrespectful and forward. Like if there is a sign with "forbidden to
enter" I have to do it, haha. I never think about the concequences.
3. Sometimes on our TH trips, we've decided to get up early as fuck not to miss
the band leaving hotels or airports and my morning lazyness might have cause
we've missed them some time....
4. I've always had the opinion that Tokio Hotel have choosen themselves to be
artists and public persons and therefor they have to handle people following them
5. I have a huge talant in talking first and thinking afterwards. Hehe, somethimes
it is good, somethings not.
get is "oh, you where so much nicer than I thought..." Haha, I always wonder if
everyone believes me to be an evil person.
2. I can be quite unrespectful and forward. Like if there is a sign with "forbidden to
enter" I have to do it, haha. I never think about the concequences.
3. Sometimes on our TH trips, we've decided to get up early as fuck not to miss
the band leaving hotels or airports and my morning lazyness might have cause
we've missed them some time....
4. I've always had the opinion that Tokio Hotel have choosen themselves to be
artists and public persons and therefor they have to handle people following them
5. I have a huge talant in talking first and thinking afterwards. Hehe, somethimes
it is good, somethings not.
Picture of the day
Started a new category named PICTURE OF THE DAY. Here I am going to post
random pictures from my concerts, trips and other fun things. First out we have
Gordon with the sweeties Scotty & Chippu. Picture taken in Gothenburg 2010.
random pictures from my concerts, trips and other fun things. First out we have
Gordon with the sweeties Scotty & Chippu. Picture taken in Gothenburg 2010.

Don't be a dramaqueen if you can't fight
DSDS really knows how to cause irritation among the fandom. Yesterday we
experienced a bit of twitter madness. Girls, why are you so dramatic? Haha.
I know that you that did not managed to get a ticket are sad, angry and dissapointed
but you should not let it out on them who got tickets and are happy for it.
We got tickets yesterday. AND we will buy for more shows. I don't think that is
egoistic in any way, because if we want and can go to more than one show
we will do it. AND I don't believe it is grundy that filter calls, it is a fact that it is
easier to call from Germany, and that has to do with the telephone connections,
especially if you call with a hometelephone and not a cell, it is also easier to get
I know it is more than shitty that Grundy in fact clicks people that starts to speak
in English, BUT to learn "Hello, can I have one/two/three/four tickets" in German
might not be the hardest thing ever...
I hope people who want to go to 9 shows, can do it, without beeing hated on.
AND that everyone gets the tickets they want.
experienced a bit of twitter madness. Girls, why are you so dramatic? Haha.
I know that you that did not managed to get a ticket are sad, angry and dissapointed
but you should not let it out on them who got tickets and are happy for it.
We got tickets yesterday. AND we will buy for more shows. I don't think that is
egoistic in any way, because if we want and can go to more than one show
we will do it. AND I don't believe it is grundy that filter calls, it is a fact that it is
easier to call from Germany, and that has to do with the telephone connections,
especially if you call with a hometelephone and not a cell, it is also easier to get
I know it is more than shitty that Grundy in fact clicks people that starts to speak
in English, BUT to learn "Hello, can I have one/two/three/four tickets" in German
might not be the hardest thing ever...
I hope people who want to go to 9 shows, can do it, without beeing hated on.
AND that everyone gets the tickets they want.
Welcome to the goldplated city
Yeah yeah, I like memories. So here are some pictures and (maybe) a video
from when we were in Moscow. We saw the G's at the airport and the whole band
at the red carpet and then we had golden circle tickets at the Muz TV awards.
from when we were in Moscow. We saw the G's at the airport and the whole band
at the red carpet and then we had golden circle tickets at the Muz TV awards.

Can we move christmas to March?
This items can please move into my closet. Like now.

Go tell him Happy Birthday!
I have heard that this awesome person has his 33th birthday today.
Well, go tell him Happy Birthday! CLICK IT!
Well, go tell him Happy Birthday! CLICK IT!
Let's bring back some music memories
We all remember the last nervous hour before the concerts started at the tour
in 2010. Everytime I hear the music they played before the light went off and the
arena went crazy, It feels to me like I am back on tour. Here are my favs of the
songs they played.
in 2010. Everytime I hear the music they played before the light went off and the
arena went crazy, It feels to me like I am back on tour. Here are my favs of the
songs they played.
Go hang in LA with Natalie Franz

You should know what you want
- I want Bill to get a girlfriend or boyfrind who he gets PUBLIC with.
(like that would happen) and then all little pervo-obsessed-fangirls can go cry in
(like that would happen) and then all little pervo-obsessed-fangirls can go cry in
a corner.
- I want them to sell the M&G like most of the American bands do and don't have
stupid competitions. Cause then I can do what I do best, spend money to get
things I want! Haha.
- I want them to tour Europe and not somewhere else, at all.
- I want people to stop whining about the G's, saying it is all about the twins
and not the G's. You know what, I believe they are perfectly happy with how
things are. The twins can be famewhores and the G's can chill out.
- I want Michael the original "hottieguard" to come back for the new tour togheter
with Markus.
What do you want?
- I want them to sell the M&G like most of the American bands do and don't have
stupid competitions. Cause then I can do what I do best, spend money to get
things I want! Haha.
- I want them to tour Europe and not somewhere else, at all.
- I want people to stop whining about the G's, saying it is all about the twins
and not the G's. You know what, I believe they are perfectly happy with how
things are. The twins can be famewhores and the G's can chill out.
- I want Michael the original "hottieguard" to come back for the new tour togheter
with Markus.
What do you want?
Three years since the adventure started

Today is it three years since the first concert of the Humanoid Tour in Luxemburg.
Time really flies by, I can't believe it is three years ago already. Luxemburg was the
best concert of all the eight I was at, because it was the first and no one knew what
to expect of the tour.
I will never have fun again
Colored my hair yesterday. I have had blonde hair since 2009, so it was time for a
change. I don't really know if I like it yet, I look SO damn pale in brown hair. And I
really had to put a filter on the pictures cause I looked like, dunno, crap.
change. I don't really know if I like it yet, I look SO damn pale in brown hair. And I
really had to put a filter on the pictures cause I looked like, dunno, crap.

Outfit for dsds

This is what I plan to wear on dsds. Someone need to be classy.
Jacket - Morris Woman, Sweater - Zoe Karssen, Skirt - Jones&Jones
Bracelet - Mulberry, Bag - Michael Kors, Shoes - Primeboots.
Question of today
What is it with Dennis Kortuemm? Why is his house blurred on google maps?
(I mean he is not even a celebrity for god sake) Is he a spy? Haha.
(I mean he is not even a celebrity for god sake) Is he a spy? Haha.

What tourlife is all about
Except the music, the queing, the awesome people, the travel part of it.
Is . .
Is . .
What the fuck where you saying
The headline refers to all my videos from when I have meet Tokio Hotel. Every time
before I was going to see them I had a plan about exactly what I was going to say to
them. Have I managed that? NO. I have said so many strange things, It just jumps
out of my mouth, haha. Embarrasing shit. So when it is time to watch the videos
afterward it is always like - what the fuck where you saying girl! I need to shape that
one up. I will dig up some video for you, but here are some examples of my great
(not) skills in talking when I am nervous.
Moscow Airport
Me - Hiiiiiii!
Georg - Hi
Me - Hiiii! (was going to say how are you)
Me - Hiiiii!
Tom - Hi, how are you?
Me - Hahaha, OH MY GOD. Thank you, thanks.
Me - Toooom, where is the dog?
(I have no clue was I originally had planned to say here)
before I was going to see them I had a plan about exactly what I was going to say to
them. Have I managed that? NO. I have said so many strange things, It just jumps
out of my mouth, haha. Embarrasing shit. So when it is time to watch the videos
afterward it is always like - what the fuck where you saying girl! I need to shape that
one up. I will dig up some video for you, but here are some examples of my great
(not) skills in talking when I am nervous.
Moscow Airport
Me - Hiiiiiii!
Georg - Hi
Me - Hiiii! (was going to say how are you)
Me - Hiiiii!
Tom - Hi, how are you?
Me - Hahaha, OH MY GOD. Thank you, thanks.
Me - Toooom, where is the dog?
(I have no clue was I originally had planned to say here)
Open your eyes, time to realise
Oh you people. You twincest people. What is wrong in your heads? I cant stand
that people seriously both write about, read about and imagine about their idols
who are BROTHERS having sex with eachothers. It is gross. Imagine you being
a famous person and people wrote stuff about you having sex with your brother
or sister? Aaaaah. AND people who do manipulated pictures of the twins doing
suspicious things, gosh I want to die.
that people seriously both write about, read about and imagine about their idols
who are BROTHERS having sex with eachothers. It is gross. Imagine you being
a famous person and people wrote stuff about you having sex with your brother
or sister? Aaaaah. AND people who do manipulated pictures of the twins doing
suspicious things, gosh I want to die.
It is wierd what we do for our idols
I just watched one of my old videos from Paris in 2010 and it made me think
about how much we get trough just to see our idols! Maybe we fangirls are
just a bunch of crazy people, but it is quite fun.
I remember that the day this video is from, we woke up at 5 in the morning to
go to Plaza Atheene were the twins and Georg stayed. Gustav was at
Radisson with his family. We were there for about 8-9 hours and it was damn
freezing weather in Paris (or we had to little clothes on) we got to see them
for about 30 seconds and got no autographs because we were puched away.
Then we went directly to the arena, were outside for some hours, went in saw
the concert and than ran out to the back off Bercy to start the next wait. Haha.
Around this time I had gotten a fever so I lay down on the ground for 4 hours
and when they finally came out I barely had energy to sit up and hold my
camera straigh, and even though I thought it was so worth i afterwards.
Do I need to tell that I was to sick to leave the bed the day after, oh what we
do for our dear idols.
In your shadow

Was trying to do another header, but I am not quite pleased. I put it here for a while
to figure out if I am going to change or not. If someone of you wants a header or
something for a blog or a tumblr I am here for you, haha.
Deutschland sucht den superstar
Godmorning readers! This morning I dropped my computer down the stairs so that
it still works is a smaller miracle, hurray for that. Tonight I dreamt about the Dsds so
that why I am gonna to a post about it.
We (me and my friends) are going to the second show (or we might cause the tickets
is a big issue, stupid hotline) cause that weekend we have a nice hotel in Cologne, in
fact we booked every weekend because we knew the tickets would be hard to get.
And the second weekend we also have a nice little tour going on, I don't know if I
dare to call it backstage because than you will be like - There are no backstage-
tickets for dsds, blabla. I mean there is no freaking meet and greet I am talking
about so don't missunderstand. We also have to consider if it is worth to go even
without tickets to the main show, or we better stay home.
Or we better buy a premium ticket. (not to the second show though)
Are you going to dsds?
it still works is a smaller miracle, hurray for that. Tonight I dreamt about the Dsds so
that why I am gonna to a post about it.
We (me and my friends) are going to the second show (or we might cause the tickets
is a big issue, stupid hotline) cause that weekend we have a nice hotel in Cologne, in
fact we booked every weekend because we knew the tickets would be hard to get.
And the second weekend we also have a nice little tour going on, I don't know if I
dare to call it backstage because than you will be like - There are no backstage-
tickets for dsds, blabla. I mean there is no freaking meet and greet I am talking
about so don't missunderstand. We also have to consider if it is worth to go even
without tickets to the main show, or we better stay home.
Or we better buy a premium ticket. (not to the second show though)
Are you going to dsds?
This is were the magic happens

The picture format is trolling me, but whatever. Do you know about this house?
The twins spend an awful lot of time here (maybe more than in their own house)
Do you know who lives here and what they do there? Make a guess, or I'll tell you
anyway later. Maybe we should have a big LA house quiz? Haha, no we should not.
Do you know who lives here and what they do there? Make a guess, or I'll tell you
anyway later. Maybe we should have a big LA house quiz? Haha, no we should not.
Tokio Hotel fandom in 2010
Tokio Hotel fandom have changed. (in both good and bad ways) and today we are
not interested in the same things as before, I remember in 2010 when the most
important topics among the fandom was this;
1. Where the twins lived. Atleast until they moved to LA and everyone got to
know it anyway.
2. What their dog was named. You know the big one with dots. I've heard the
craziest name suggestions about this dog.
3. Who the asian girl was. (Ria ofcourse)
4. Tokio Hotel crew in general. Every single person who were or was in contact
with TH was interesting, their names, their facebook pages, practically their
whole lives.
Anything else that was typical for the fandom in 2010?
not interested in the same things as before, I remember in 2010 when the most
important topics among the fandom was this;
1. Where the twins lived. Atleast until they moved to LA and everyone got to
know it anyway.
2. What their dog was named. You know the big one with dots. I've heard the
craziest name suggestions about this dog.
3. Who the asian girl was. (Ria ofcourse)
4. Tokio Hotel crew in general. Every single person who were or was in contact
with TH was interesting, their names, their facebook pages, practically their
whole lives.
Anything else that was typical for the fandom in 2010?
The most handsome crew tomember ever

Tokio Hotel's nicest and most handsome security guard ever. Always takes the time
to talk to you unlike the other ones. This picture is from Rome and as you see on his
shirt it is from the Humanoid Tour. I really hope Markus will work with them on the
tour this year and he was with the twins as late as in Berlin last year.
And a huge thanks to the person who linked my blog (or atleast I believe someone
did, cause yesterday a had more visitors than before even though I did not write a
single post) I will be a better blogger from today!
Who are you calling someone a stalker
Stalker. A known word in Tokio Hotel fandom, a bad word. I've been one, not from
my point of view but others. Sure we have followed them by car one or two times,
sure we went to the hotel they lived at, sure we went to their old house and studio.
But everthing was all for fun. We had the possibilities to do it and therefor we did.
I have never been one of those girls who honestly believe they are Bill and Toms
future wife, that get jelouse when they TALK to other girls, that see the twins as their
own property even though they never met them and don't know them. Those girls
are the real creepy ones, and then people get annoyed by the ones who waits
outside a damn hotel. Luckily I lived with my boyfriend almost all the time I have
been a fan. I always lived in a fun Tokio Hotel world and not a denial one. Cheers.
Welcome to the Humanoid City
Just some nostalgia pictures, if you're going to read this blog for a while you will
notice that I am a really nostalgic person. Those pictures are from Luxemburg,
Hamburg, Oberhausen, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Rome, Milan and Paris.

notice that I am a really nostalgic person. Those pictures are from Luxemburg,
Hamburg, Oberhausen, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Rome, Milan and Paris.

You can't hate on love
I have never understand the hating on Ria. Seriously I don’t. I mean you are
all fans of Tokio Hotel (or Tom especially) don’t you want him to be happy?
I don’t know if it’s jealousy or what that makes some fans say the most mean
things about Ria, a person you don’t even KNOW. Would you go and say bad
things to a random girl you see? Maybe not. But just because Ria happens to
be the girlfriend of Tom Kaulitz, that you all love so much it seems to be okay
to call her and ugly bitch. It is not. Imagine yourself being togheter with
someone who is famous for something (it can be anything, music, sports, acting)
and he’s fans starts to call you nasty, ugly, fat, bitch and so on and you don’t
know why, cause all you want is to be happy with him. I grow up learning that
you should treat others as you wish to be treated yourself, and that includes
EVERYONE even those who is togheter with famous people.
Shape it up, Tokio fangirls.
all fans of Tokio Hotel (or Tom especially) don’t you want him to be happy?
I don’t know if it’s jealousy or what that makes some fans say the most mean
things about Ria, a person you don’t even KNOW. Would you go and say bad
things to a random girl you see? Maybe not. But just because Ria happens to
be the girlfriend of Tom Kaulitz, that you all love so much it seems to be okay
to call her and ugly bitch. It is not. Imagine yourself being togheter with
someone who is famous for something (it can be anything, music, sports, acting)
and he’s fans starts to call you nasty, ugly, fat, bitch and so on and you don’t
know why, cause all you want is to be happy with him. I grow up learning that
you should treat others as you wish to be treated yourself, and that includes
EVERYONE even those who is togheter with famous people.
Shape it up, Tokio fangirls.
Funniest Tokio moments I ever experienced
Since I’ve seen TH quite a lot of times (this is not bragging, promise)
I’ve also experienced alot of funny thing on the trips, around TH, “with” TH.
These are my fav ones, haha I’m even laughing BEFORE writing them down.
1. Stockholm, 2009. Me and two awesome friends were outside Sheraton
talking kinda “shit” about how lazy TH was because it took so long for
them to come out to sign. The only prob was we said it infront of there
guard Michael…who knows Swedish, yep.
2. Berlin, 2009. After running to the gates outside the aftershowparty
at Hangar and finally accepted that we were not gonna get in, we
climbed up a brick wall to see the twins go in and out to smoke.
Last time they came out to smoke we screamed so high (embarrasing)
or voices nearly crack, then run after their cars in heels (that nearly
broke) almost got smashed by their guard (Michael AGAIN) and nearly
got hit by a flying cigarette thrown by Andreas. Exhausting night.
Also got to pay a 50 euro fine on that trip and lost my phone.
3. Luxemburg, 2010… No not gonna tell this. We went to the wrong
hotel, and this is still so funny and embarrassing I want to die.
4. Hamburg 2010, this is… not so funny but we were the ONLY one
waiting for them after the concert cause there was cold as hell and
raining like a monsun (hehe) we never saw them that night, but they
had left there tourbusses open, warm and comfty on the parking so
we though for a second we should get some sleep…haha, did not.
But they had a lot of fun stuff in there kitchen, and I still today thinks
about how much trouble we could have gotten in…
5. Rome 2010, NOBODY knew were they lived, they hided well. But the
day before the concert we got some unexpected help from the staff at
another luxury hotel that started to CALL the other hotels and ask for
them, only happens in Italy or what?
6. Rome 2010 again, as I said it was hard to find them. We stayed at
Radisson and many fan though they lived there, so one night we got
to the roof top balcony and screamed, TOKIO HOTELLLL. And yeah
everyone got nuts!
7. Milano 2010, shared a cab from the arena back to the town with
a member of their crew, enough said. haha.
8. Comet Awards 2010, gaawd. The Germans were crazy at the red
carpet, but the funny thing happend inside the arena. We had the seat
like exactly behind TH, and I almost tripped over my chair and was all
like FUUUUUCK. (So loud apperantly that Georg started to laugh)
9. Sweden 2010, Georg again! We were badly trying to get into the
dressing rooms at Scandinavium, we almost succeded but ran in
to Georg just outside the trucks… and we had to get away quick.
Real quick, haha.
10. Sweden 2010, again but in Stockholm. Waiting in the car on the
back of Globen arena about 2 in the night. Waited and waited and wait..
zzzZzzz, yep we fell asleep. Then from nowhere I wake up and Bill and
Tom are walking outside! HAHA, this was so wierd and we all just sat
inside the car not saying a word. (Also had to be rude to crazy fans
in Stockholm for chasing their dogs AND gordon around the arena, nuts)
11. Moscow 2011, at the airport when Marcus, the guard forgot his
jacket in the security scan and have to leave the gate to run back to
get it. Haha, a hilarious thing to see.
12. Aaaaaand about 1000 other things that don’t comes to my mind
right now, but as I remeber them I will write about them. Ciaoo.
I’ve also experienced alot of funny thing on the trips, around TH, “with” TH.
These are my fav ones, haha I’m even laughing BEFORE writing them down.
1. Stockholm, 2009. Me and two awesome friends were outside Sheraton
talking kinda “shit” about how lazy TH was because it took so long for
them to come out to sign. The only prob was we said it infront of there
guard Michael…who knows Swedish, yep.
2. Berlin, 2009. After running to the gates outside the aftershowparty
at Hangar and finally accepted that we were not gonna get in, we
climbed up a brick wall to see the twins go in and out to smoke.
Last time they came out to smoke we screamed so high (embarrasing)
or voices nearly crack, then run after their cars in heels (that nearly
broke) almost got smashed by their guard (Michael AGAIN) and nearly
got hit by a flying cigarette thrown by Andreas. Exhausting night.
Also got to pay a 50 euro fine on that trip and lost my phone.
3. Luxemburg, 2010… No not gonna tell this. We went to the wrong
hotel, and this is still so funny and embarrassing I want to die.
4. Hamburg 2010, this is… not so funny but we were the ONLY one
waiting for them after the concert cause there was cold as hell and
raining like a monsun (hehe) we never saw them that night, but they
had left there tourbusses open, warm and comfty on the parking so
we though for a second we should get some sleep…haha, did not.
But they had a lot of fun stuff in there kitchen, and I still today thinks
about how much trouble we could have gotten in…
5. Rome 2010, NOBODY knew were they lived, they hided well. But the
day before the concert we got some unexpected help from the staff at
another luxury hotel that started to CALL the other hotels and ask for
them, only happens in Italy or what?
6. Rome 2010 again, as I said it was hard to find them. We stayed at
Radisson and many fan though they lived there, so one night we got
to the roof top balcony and screamed, TOKIO HOTELLLL. And yeah
everyone got nuts!
7. Milano 2010, shared a cab from the arena back to the town with
a member of their crew, enough said. haha.
8. Comet Awards 2010, gaawd. The Germans were crazy at the red
carpet, but the funny thing happend inside the arena. We had the seat
like exactly behind TH, and I almost tripped over my chair and was all
like FUUUUUCK. (So loud apperantly that Georg started to laugh)
9. Sweden 2010, Georg again! We were badly trying to get into the
dressing rooms at Scandinavium, we almost succeded but ran in
to Georg just outside the trucks… and we had to get away quick.
Real quick, haha.
10. Sweden 2010, again but in Stockholm. Waiting in the car on the
back of Globen arena about 2 in the night. Waited and waited and wait..
zzzZzzz, yep we fell asleep. Then from nowhere I wake up and Bill and
Tom are walking outside! HAHA, this was so wierd and we all just sat
inside the car not saying a word. (Also had to be rude to crazy fans
in Stockholm for chasing their dogs AND gordon around the arena, nuts)
11. Moscow 2011, at the airport when Marcus, the guard forgot his
jacket in the security scan and have to leave the gate to run back to
get it. Haha, a hilarious thing to see.
12. Aaaaaand about 1000 other things that don’t comes to my mind
right now, but as I remeber them I will write about them. Ciaoo.
See the world trough magical glasses
Andreas. He seems to be a funny subject in the Tokio Hotel fandom. I don't know
why everyone seems to be so fashinated by him. You should be more fashinated
by his work, since he is really great. Though he seems to have a quite wierd mind
regarding to some of the pictures he use to post and reblog on tumblr. Anyway the
only thing I found interesting about Andreas is that he speaks Swedish, that is
quite awesome.
why everyone seems to be so fashinated by him. You should be more fashinated
by his work, since he is really great. Though he seems to have a quite wierd mind
regarding to some of the pictures he use to post and reblog on tumblr. Anyway the
only thing I found interesting about Andreas is that he speaks Swedish, that is
quite awesome.

Things that annoys me this thursday morning
1. People who always writes that Bill is such a loner (when they spend their
whole days behind a computerscreen a seriously need to get a life themselves)
2. People who always writes "Everytime they do a post on the app about working
with the album I know they are just out partying and stuff" (Of course they are
working on the new album, but if you honestly believe that they are stupid enough
to run around on different partys every night, go ahead)
whole days behind a computerscreen a seriously need to get a life themselves)
2. People who always writes "Everytime they do a post on the app about working
with the album I know they are just out partying and stuff" (Of course they are
working on the new album, but if you honestly believe that they are stupid enough
to run around on different partys every night, go ahead)
Don't judge people out of a manipulated truth.
Let's meet eachother at the cherry way
Once upon a time we went to the Kaulitz house. I would not have done it today.
But hey we were young, atleast younger than today and after all it was quite fun.

But hey we were young, atleast younger than today and after all it was quite fun.

Luxemburg was something worth to remember
Always go to the first concert on the tour we heard. We did not get dissapointed.
Luxemburg was, full of excitement. Of course, after all it was the first concert on
the Humanoid tour. We were supposed to camp with our little tent for 2 days, but
when it was 4 days left we heard that it was about 30 people already, so we
panicked, booked new flights and went one day earlier. Tokio Hotel was in the
arena the whole two days before the show prepping. We heard so many soundchecks
though the Rockhal walls. We saw the stage the day before the show and everything
was so hyped in Luxemburg. It was so cold, our tent was like an igloo but it was
so worth it. We were in the first hundred and therefor we could be inside the
whole concert day instead of beeing in line with the others. Luxemburg was were
our Humanoid trip began, but I believe the first is always the best, or?
What if I say that you are the pretender
There are many different types of fans in Tokio Hotel fandom, and if you put the
different types in categories, it would look like this;
1. The pretender
The name speaks for it self, doesn't it? In this category we have fans that pretends
to know shitloads of stuff, but never have any sources except their "secret sources"
who in fact does not exsist. They also like to brag about it, and their whole fandom
life (and sadly their real life) seems to be surrounded by lies.
2. The super-obsessed fangirl.
Writes on twitter 24/7 and mostly of her posts contains of -OMGSSHSGAHSGAK.
I seriously get scared of this girls sometimes, cause it seems not healty to be like
this, oh well. They are also so extremly in love with Bill (or Tom) ans their biggest
wish is to get laid by one of them.
3. The stalker
This part of the fandom is what the pretender wish she was, haha. The stalkers
are, well, stalkers. I don't think I'll have to decribe this category cause you all
knows what a stalker do, stalks people.
4. The normal fan
Normal is normal. This type of fans goes to some concerts, are excited about
new music, buys som posters and yeah doing normal fan things.
Which one are you?
different types in categories, it would look like this;
1. The pretender
The name speaks for it self, doesn't it? In this category we have fans that pretends
to know shitloads of stuff, but never have any sources except their "secret sources"
who in fact does not exsist. They also like to brag about it, and their whole fandom
life (and sadly their real life) seems to be surrounded by lies.
2. The super-obsessed fangirl.
Writes on twitter 24/7 and mostly of her posts contains of -OMGSSHSGAHSGAK.
I seriously get scared of this girls sometimes, cause it seems not healty to be like
this, oh well. They are also so extremly in love with Bill (or Tom) ans their biggest
wish is to get laid by one of them.
3. The stalker
This part of the fandom is what the pretender wish she was, haha. The stalkers
are, well, stalkers. I don't think I'll have to decribe this category cause you all
knows what a stalker do, stalks people.
4. The normal fan
Normal is normal. This type of fans goes to some concerts, are excited about
new music, buys som posters and yeah doing normal fan things.
Which one are you?
What are your expectations for the 2013's tour?
There is a tour coming up this year. How exciting. I hope that it turns out better than
the Humanoid tour in 2010. Not that it wasn't good, I loved every minute. But for
Tokio Hotel as I band I believe it was nothing but a disaster. Bad ticket sales, bad
reviews (bad stage and bad costumes, hehe) I hope this years tour is smaller. And
by that I mean, fewer countrys, smaller stage and venues. More intimate. Tokio
Hotel's fanbase is not as huge as it was some year ago. I hope they will do a concert
in Sweden (because I am Swedish of course) and in Germany, France, and about
10 other countrys, and that's it. A small tour might not give everybody the chance
to see them, but I believe it is the best. Another wish I have for the new tour is that
they'll still have Markus as one of their security guard. Frankly because he is the
nicest ever and always takes the time to talk to you. So 2013, bring me Tokio Hotel
with a small tour and nice security. Than I am happy. What do you want from 2013?
the Humanoid tour in 2010. Not that it wasn't good, I loved every minute. But for
Tokio Hotel as I band I believe it was nothing but a disaster. Bad ticket sales, bad
reviews (bad stage and bad costumes, hehe) I hope this years tour is smaller. And
by that I mean, fewer countrys, smaller stage and venues. More intimate. Tokio
Hotel's fanbase is not as huge as it was some year ago. I hope they will do a concert
in Sweden (because I am Swedish of course) and in Germany, France, and about
10 other countrys, and that's it. A small tour might not give everybody the chance
to see them, but I believe it is the best. Another wish I have for the new tour is that
they'll still have Markus as one of their security guard. Frankly because he is the
nicest ever and always takes the time to talk to you. So 2013, bring me Tokio Hotel
with a small tour and nice security. Than I am happy. What do you want from 2013?
I'm going to tell you who that chick is.
This is me. And I am Sara Rebecca. I am a fangirl who's going to be a copywriter
when I get old. (I am quite old, I am 22 years) I have seen Tokio Hotel 28 times.
Not that it really matters, it is more like a fun anecdote. I've had this blog before
between the years 2009-2011. So this is kind of a 2.0 version. I hope you will enjoy
my thoughts about Tokio Hotel and about the fandom even if I have a talent for
writing and writing without getting to any point. And I love all my readers, hugs.

when I get old. (I am quite old, I am 22 years) I have seen Tokio Hotel 28 times.
Not that it really matters, it is more like a fun anecdote. I've had this blog before
between the years 2009-2011. So this is kind of a 2.0 version. I hope you will enjoy
my thoughts about Tokio Hotel and about the fandom even if I have a talent for
writing and writing without getting to any point. And I love all my readers, hugs.

Be a fucking rockstar