Don't be a dramaqueen if you can't fight

DSDS really knows how to cause irritation among the fandom. Yesterday we
experienced a bit of twitter madness. Girls, why are you so dramatic? Haha.
I know that you that did not managed to get a ticket are sad, angry and dissapointed
but you should not let it out on them who got tickets and are happy for it.

We got tickets yesterday. AND we will buy for more shows. I don't think that is
egoistic in any way, because if we want and can go to more than one show
we will do it. AND I don't believe it is grundy that filter calls, it is a fact that it is
easier to call from Germany, and that has to do with the telephone connections,
especially if you call with a hometelephone and not a cell, it is also easier to get

I know it is more than shitty that Grundy in fact clicks people that starts to speak
in English, BUT to learn "Hello, can I have one/two/three/four tickets" in German
might not be the hardest thing ever...

I hope people who want to go to 9 shows, can do it, without beeing hated on.
AND that everyone gets the tickets they want.


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