Last week review

Just some topics of last week. I was going to write about something else but
the post was shitty so I have to re-write it to post later. Have a nice day people!
1. Tom said they had quit smoking.
SORRY WHAT? That's why Bill were seen with cigarettes in his hand the
day before..

2. They said on Saturday that they had not been to the DSDS studio yet when
they posted on Friday night that they were in the studio.

3. People seriously believed (believes) that they will flight till LA every week.
( Oh, so they just brought their dogs to Germany for no reason..)

4. Kaulitz twins plays hide and seek with the fandom. Have they ever been
as invisible as now? (Even though they're on the liveshows)
5. Crazy voting by German people. Fairuz should have stayed in the competition.

How to be a good stalker

READ THIS FIRST - Since I have done a post like this on my former blog
 caused a lot of drama, please read it with a sence of humor and not
with the mind
 of a forty years old bitter lady. Thanks.

So, here we go - How to be a good stalker

1. Choose a target - If your a newbie, maybe you should start with some local
celeb, and not a big one like...Tokio Hotel.

2. Be prepared - If you are not a patient person, you are screwed. Stalking
requiers a lot of wait outside different kinds of buildning. Bring food and drinks
with you (you wont risk to miss your target just because you got hungry)
Bring you medications (like som calming down pills maybe)

3. Do your homework - Before you start you should feel like you already
knows your target, read trought the whole damn internet if you must.

4. Dont be shy - If you are a shy person, you are screwed again. Stalking
require you to do forbidden things so there is no time for thought about
"what might happen if someone catch me while doing this" just gogogo.

5. Always have you Camera - I guess you have heard the saying, pics or
it did not happend. Yep exactly. It does not matter how good your are at
stalking if you don't get pics (and/or videos) on your target.

6. Rely on others - If you are not alone while stalking, let the others do the main
work and keep yourself in the background. Minimize the risk of getting in trouble.

Go tell him Happy Birthday!

I have heard that this awesome person has his 33th birthday today.
Well, go tell him Happy Birthday! CLICK IT!

You should know what you want

- I want Bill to get a girlfriend or boyfrind who he gets PUBLIC with. 
(like that would happen) and then all little pervo-obsessed-fangirls can go cry in
a corner.

- I want them to sell the M&G like most of the American bands do and don't have
stupid competitions. Cause then I can do what I do best, spend money to get
things I want! Haha.

- I want them to tour Europe and not somewhere else, at all.

- I want people to stop whining about the G's, saying it is all about the twins
and not the G's. You know what, I believe they are perfectly happy with how
things are. The twins can be famewhores and the G's can chill out.

- I want Michael the original "hottieguard" to come back for the new tour togheter
with Markus.

What do you want?

Tokio Hotel fandom in 2010

Tokio Hotel fandom have changed. (in both good and bad ways) and today we are
not interested in the same things as before, I remember in 2010 when the most
important topics among the fandom was this;

1. Where the twins lived. Atleast until they moved to LA and everyone got to
know it anyway.

2. What their dog was named. You know the big one with dots. I've heard the
craziest name suggestions about this dog.

3. Who the asian girl was. (Ria ofcourse)

4. Tokio Hotel crew in general. Every single person who were or was in contact
with TH was interesting, their names, their facebook pages, practically their
whole lives.

Anything else that was typical for the fandom in 2010?

Who are you calling someone a stalker

Stalker. A known word in Tokio Hotel fandom, a bad word. I've been one, not from
my point of view but others. Sure we have followed them by car one or two times,
sure we went to the hotel they lived at, sure we went to their old house and studio.
But everthing was all for fun. We had the possibilities to do it and therefor we did.
I have never been one of those girls who honestly believe they are Bill and Toms
future wife, that get jelouse when they TALK to other girls, that see the twins as their
own property even though they never met them and don't know them. Those girls
are the real creepy ones, and then people get annoyed by the ones who waits
outside a damn hotel. Luckily I lived with my boyfriend almost all the time I have
been a fan. I always lived in a fun Tokio Hotel world and not a denial one. Cheers.

You can't hate on love

I have never understand the hating on Ria. Seriously I don’t. I mean you are
all fans of Tokio Hotel (or Tom especially) don’t you want him to be happy?
I don’t know if it’s jealousy or what that makes some fans say the most mean
things about Ria, a person you don’t even KNOW. Would you go and say bad
things to a random girl you see? Maybe not. But just because Ria happens to
be the girlfriend of Tom Kaulitz, that you all love so much it seems to be okay
to call her and ugly bitch. It is not. Imagine yourself being togheter with
someone who is famous for something (it can be anything, music, sports, acting)
and he’s fans starts to call you nasty, ugly, fat, bitch and so on and you don’t
know why, cause all you want is to be happy with him. 
I grow up learning that
you should treat others as you wish to be treated yourself, and that includes
EVERYONE even those who is togheter with famous people.

Shape it up, Tokio fangirls.

What if I say that you are the pretender

There are many different types of fans in Tokio Hotel fandom, and if you put the
different types in categories, it would look like this;

1. The pretender
The name speaks for it self, doesn't it? In this category we have fans that pretends
to know shitloads of stuff, but never have any sources except their "secret sources"
who in fact does not exsist. They also like to brag about it, and their whole fandom
life (and sadly their real life) seems to be surrounded by lies.

2. The super-obsessed fangirl.
Writes on twitter 24/7 and mostly of her posts contains of -OMGSSHSGAHSGAK.
I seriously get scared of this girls sometimes, cause it seems not healty to be like
this, oh well. They are also so extremly in love with Bill (or Tom) ans their biggest
wish is to get laid by one of them.

3. The stalker
This part of the fandom is what the pretender wish she was, haha. The stalkers
are, well, stalkers. I don't think I'll have to decribe this category cause you all
knows what a stalker do, stalks people.

4. The normal fan
Normal is normal. This type of fans goes to some concerts, are excited about
new music, buys som posters and yeah doing normal fan things.

Which one are you?