How to be a good stalker

READ THIS FIRST - Since I have done a post like this on my former blog
 caused a lot of drama, please read it with a sence of humor and not
with the mind
 of a forty years old bitter lady. Thanks.

So, here we go - How to be a good stalker

1. Choose a target - If your a newbie, maybe you should start with some local
celeb, and not a big one like...Tokio Hotel.

2. Be prepared - If you are not a patient person, you are screwed. Stalking
requiers a lot of wait outside different kinds of buildning. Bring food and drinks
with you (you wont risk to miss your target just because you got hungry)
Bring you medications (like som calming down pills maybe)

3. Do your homework - Before you start you should feel like you already
knows your target, read trought the whole damn internet if you must.

4. Dont be shy - If you are a shy person, you are screwed again. Stalking
require you to do forbidden things so there is no time for thought about
"what might happen if someone catch me while doing this" just gogogo.

5. Always have you Camera - I guess you have heard the saying, pics or
it did not happend. Yep exactly. It does not matter how good your are at
stalking if you don't get pics (and/or videos) on your target.

6. Rely on others - If you are not alone while stalking, let the others do the main
work and keep yourself in the background. Minimize the risk of getting in trouble.


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