You can't hate on love

I have never understand the hating on Ria. Seriously I don’t. I mean you are
all fans of Tokio Hotel (or Tom especially) don’t you want him to be happy?
I don’t know if it’s jealousy or what that makes some fans say the most mean
things about Ria, a person you don’t even KNOW. Would you go and say bad
things to a random girl you see? Maybe not. But just because Ria happens to
be the girlfriend of Tom Kaulitz, that you all love so much it seems to be okay
to call her and ugly bitch. It is not. Imagine yourself being togheter with
someone who is famous for something (it can be anything, music, sports, acting)
and he’s fans starts to call you nasty, ugly, fat, bitch and so on and you don’t
know why, cause all you want is to be happy with him. 
I grow up learning that
you should treat others as you wish to be treated yourself, and that includes
EVERYONE even those who is togheter with famous people.

Shape it up, Tokio fangirls.


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